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Your Vote Counts


In the last couple of weeks, you should have received a voting paper for the National Education Union General Secretary election.

This election is the first of its kind since our union, your union, the NEU, formed in 2017. In this election members will be voting for one General Secretary to take over from Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, who have done the job jointly since amalgamation.

And what a job they have done; bringing together two proud trade unions, developing a culture of member led, education focused policies; guiding the profession through the pandemic, and supporting you to use your industrial strength during the current crisis on pay and workload.

Over 50% of members voted in the recent NEU ballot for strike action, but traditionally members don't vote in our other ballots, such as to elect the national officers, the president, or the executive. In these elections, only between 6% and 10% of members vote. Let's get that percentage up for a truly member led union.

Find your ballot paper, read about the candidates and post your vote.

If you haven't received ballot paper yet, contact

For a strong, inclusive member led union, make sure your voice is heard and your vote counts.

For more information on what I'll do as your General Secretary, please do read more on this site

Thank you

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